

My name is Trevor Rowe. I have been teaching since the first annual Newfstock ’95. I’ve been at Queen Elizabeth Regional High School since the 500 year celebrations of Cabot’s landfall in the “New World”.

My interests include what’s happened with everything, what’s going on today with everything, and what might happen with everything in the future. But since Einstein has taught me that time is relative, I’m not even sure about that progression. Let’s just say I’m a sponge in the sea of knowledge, even if that knowledge may seem useless.

If the quest for understanding is my main course, then my dessert would be: hockey, music and the theatre. I know, I know … that’s an eclectic combination; but I’m an eclectic sort of guy. My catch phrase would be Carpe Diem. I try to seize the day before I have a seizure someday.

Follow me at @qetrowe if you dare.

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. A pleasure to discover your blog, I greatly appreciate anyone who gets history out to the world – time tends to create mass amnesia.

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Queen Elizabeth Regional High